
5 Most Commonly Stored Items In Divan Beds With Drawers

5 Most Commonly Stored Items In Divan Beds With Drawers


If you’ve got a divan bed in your bedroom, then you know how much easier. It is to make the most of your space and store all those items that traditionally get lose under the bed. But what are some of the most commonly stored items in divan beds with drawers? Here’s our list!


Linen is a popular choice for many, as it’s soft to the touch and easy to care for. You can store your linens in drawers or on top of the bed. If you have a larger space, consider buying a linen cupboard to store your bed sheets and other items inside.

Blankets And Throws

Blankets and throws are the perfect items to store in your divan bed with drawers. If you use them to store your winter woollies, this will help keep them from getting creased when they’re not in use.

If you have a little one (or more than one) who likes to snuggle up on the sofa under their favourite blanket, then storing it in the divan bed with drawers is a great way of keeping it clean and organised at all times.

We all know how expensive cushions can be, especially if they are designer ones, so protecting them by storing them away neatly in the drawers of your divan bed will ensure that they stay looking as good as new no matter how long they have been stored away for.

Commonly Stored Items in Divan Beds

Commonly Stored Items in Divan Beds


Towels are the most stored item in divan beds. Why you might store towels in a divan bed: If you don’t have enough space for yours. towels and need to store them somewhere, placing them under your bed is a great option. 

You can also use this method if you want to make sure your towel stays dry from the moment you take it out of the washing machine until it gets put away again (think about how much more quickly your laundry dries when hung on a clothesline).

Read More: How To Choose Which Bed Size Is Right For My Room

How much space you can save by storing towels in a divan bed: This depends on how big or small your towel is! If it is large enough, then you may be able to fit two or three under there without taking up too much room. A smaller towel will likely only fit one or two depending on their size.

Cushions And Bedding

Cushions and bedding are bulky and can be awkward to store. Which can easily & Commonly Stored Items In Divan beds. You’ll want to use the drawers for this when you’re not using it, but since cushions and sheets can be a bit heavy, it might not always be easy to slide them out of the drawers. 

Additionally, if you have a divan bed with drawers that doesn’t have much extra space around your mattress (like our double divan), then keeping sheets stored underneath may feel like a tight squeeze. We suggest taking advantage of the benefits of having built-in drawers by storing items like pillows on top rather than below!

Commonly Stored Items In Divan Beds

We understand that these items can be expensive – especially if they’re new or high quality – so don’t want them getting damage by being stack in an overcrowded space; making sure they stay clean is also important too! 

Recommendation for using washable covers on mattresses if possible so that spills don’t leave permanent stains behind which could get trap inside fabric fibres when washing occurs regularly over time (especially where kids are concerned). This way nothing gets ruined from spills occurring frequently or even from wet clothes being store after being washed because there’s nowhere else left for them to go except directly onto beds when drying racks aren’t available nearby…

Winter Woolies

Wool is a great insulator, as it provides warmth without trapping sweat or body heat. Wool is also breathable, which means that your body will be able to regulate its temperature more easily in cold or warm weather. 

In addition to this, wool is very easy to care for: unlike other fabrics such as cotton or linen, you can hand wash it at home with a little detergent and water if necessary! Wool is also naturally flame-retardant—so you don’t have to worry about fire safety!

Not only does wool feel warm when you wear it against your skin but it keeps you warmer too because of its ability to insulate heat between layers of fabric. Making it perfect for those colder months when we need all the help we can get keeping our bodies warm! 

A final benefit of woolen blankets and duvets is their ability to regulate their own temperature: they are highly breathable so they allow excess body heat through while still keeping us warm enough during cooler weather conditions.

There’s Lots Of Room For Those Extra Items 

With up to four drawers in a divan base, there’s lots of room for those extra items you don’t want cluttering up your room. The drawers are particularly great for linens, blankets and throws, towels, cushions and bedding – anything that doesn’t need to be transform into something else on a daily basis. And when it gets colder outside, you can use the drawers to store your winter woolies until springtime comes around again.


Now that you know where to put your extra items, it’s time to enjoy the benefits of having a divan bed with drawers. Divan beds are great because they offer more storage space while still providing you with a comfortable place to sleep at night. This type of bed also allows you to change the look of your room by changing out the fabric on top or adding new pillows or blankets underneath.

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